1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda/Conflict of Interest Declaration
    1. Regrets
  3. Invitation to Stand and Move
  4. Presentation
  5. Adoption of Minutes
    1. April 27, 2023 - Special Council Meeting Minutes (Attachment)
    2. April 27, 2023 - Executive Council Meeting Minutes (Attachment)
  6. Grant Approvals
    1. Grants to Organizations Spring 2023 (Attachment)
    2. Extraordinary Grants
      • Sea Kayak Symposium
        • Recommended Motion: To approve an extraordinary grant in the amount of $5,000 to the Sea Kayak Symposium.
      • Rotary Ribfest - Sponsorship
        • Recommended Motion: To approve a sponsorship to the Yarmouth Rotary Ribfest in the amount of $2,500 for the 2023-2024 fiscal year
      • Rails to Trails
        • Recommended Motion: To approve a financial contribution in the amount of $150 per km of trails in the Municipality of Argyle for a total of $7,050 for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
    3. Community Hall Grants 2023 
    4. Argyle Emergency Fund (RFD)
    5. Fire Services Capital Grant Program - Lake Vaughan Fire Department (RFD) (Policy) (Request)
  7. Financial Approvals
    1. Financial Report until March 31, 2023 (Attachment)
    2. Fire Operating Budget 2023-2024 (Attachment)
    3. Sewer Budgets (Operating and Capital) 2023-2024 (Attachment)
    4. East Pubnico Water Utility Charge 2023-2024 (Attachment)
    5. Fire Area Rates 2023-2024 (Attachment)
    6. Interest Rate/Date on Overdue Accounts 2023-2024 (Attachment)
    7. Transfer Surplus to Capital Reserve (Attachment) 
    8. Residential and Commercial Rates 2023-2024 (Attachment)
  8. Operating Fund Budget Presentation 2023-2024  (Operating Budget) (Presentation)
  9. Operating Reserve 2023-2024 (Attachment)
  10. Capital Budget Presentation 2023-2024 (Capital Reserve Budget) (Gas Tax) 
  11. Recognizing Argyle
  12. Warden’s Report (Attachment)
  13. Committee Reports
    1. Substance Use Awareness Project
    2. Yarmouth Area Industrial Commission
    3. REMO Executive
    4. Mariners Centre Management Authority (Attachment)
    5. Mariners Center Expansion Board (MCEB)
    6. Yarmouth and Acadian Shores Tourism Association (Attachment)
    7. Yarmouth County Solid Waste Park
    8. Yarmouth International Airport Corporation (Attachment)
    9. Nakile Board
    10. Western County Regional Libraries
    11. WREN Liason and Oversight Committee
    12. Argyle Recreation Commission
    13. Police Advisory Board
    14. Doctor Recruitment (Attachment)
    15. Waste Check
    16. Tusket Sewer
    17. Wedgeport Sewer
    18. West Pubnico Sewer
    19. East Pubnico Utility Water
  14. Reports
    1. Clerks Report (Attachment)
    2. Department Head Report (Attachment)
    3. Building Permit Report (Attachment)
  15. For Decision/Discussion
    1. Yarmouth Airport Agreement (Attachment)
  16. Correspondence and For Information
    1. Low Income Tax Exemption Applications 2023 (Attachment)
  17. Financial Requests
    • The District Community Grants will be brought to the Executive Council Meeting for approval.
  18. Agenda Topics for Next Meeting/Notice of Motion by Councillors
  19. Question Period
  20. Adjournment