Who processes, collects and transports waste?
The Municipality is responsible for collecting, transporting, processing, composting and disposing of municipal and private sector solid waste and recyclables, as well as household hazardous waste. Our region is required by law to sort its waste into four streams.
- The collection and transport of waste is handled by a contractor hired by the Municipality of Argyle, WasteCo Limited
- Processing of waste, including our residential garbage (clear bags), hazardous waste, and construction and debris is handled by the Yarmouth County Solid Waste Management Authority, an Authority owned by the three municipal units of Yarmouth County
- Construction and Demolition material is defined as waste wood, metals, asphalt shingles and other construction material
- The processing facility for services above is located at the Yarmouth County Solid Waste Park (YCSWP), at 1934 Hardscratch Road, in Yarmouth
- Processing of compost is handled by the Town of Yarmouth, at the same YCSWP facility as above
- Processing of Recyclable material is handled by a contractor, Scotia Recycling Ltd. in Kentville
What should you know as a resident of Argyle?
- Residential waste is collected curbside on a scheduled day. (Garbage Collection Schedule) Businesses are responsible for their own disposal needs and must follow the disposal By-Laws. A dwelling with 5 or more units is categorized as commercial
- As a resident of Argyle, you can personally deliver up to 200 kg of sorted waste directly to YCSWP at no cost. Residential waste and residential recyclables are accepted and can be conveniently and safely dropped off at a public drop off
- Residential hazardous materials such as corrosive cleaners and solvents, house & garden pesticides and herbicides, etc. should be dropped off at the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) at the YCSWP for proper disposal
- Electronic waste (computers, TVs etc) is not accepted at the landfill and can be dropped off at Paper Chase Bottle Exchange Ltd. Enviro Depot at 10 Hardscratch Road in Yarmouth (Electronics Approved EPRA Drop Off Centres)
- Waste Check provides education regarding solid waste management. You can visit their website at Waste Check
- The cost of curb side collection, disposal, and processing of waste streams are included in your regular tax bill
pdf By-Law # 27A - Solid Waste Resource Collection And Disposal (12.49 MB)