Animal Control Information Line - (902) 307-0475
If you believe you are dealing with a potentially fierce and dangerous dog it is important to call the dispatch number as soon as possible. You will be asked to supply a statement if the dog attacked /threatened you or if you witnessed the incident, this may be required in order to obtain a warrant to secure the dog if it is not running at large. Your complaint will be documented, and if applicable, our dog enforcement officer will be notified and will do the following:
If the dog is at large (running loose off the owner’s property):
- An enforcement officer has the right and to pick up the dog and bring it to the local branch of the SPCA in Yarmouth
- The dog will be held at SPCA for 72 hours
- An enforcement officer will make every attempt to contact the owner
- The owner will have the opportunity to recover their dog but will be subject to applicable fines
- If not recovered, the dog could be placed for adoption if not considered fierce or dangerous
If the dog is no longer at large (loose) and is back on the owner’s property:
- An enforcement officer will contact the dog owner, and advise of their responsibility to keep the dog from running at large
- This visit is followed up by a letter and copy of the by-law