Latest Council Agenda


  1. Call Meeting to Order
    1. Regrets
  2. Invitation to Stand and Move 
  3. Honouring Gary Nickerson - Moment of Silence
  4. Approval of Agenda/Conflict of Interest Declaration
  5. Presentation - Société Touristique Bon Temps
  6. Recognizing Argyle - Council Announcements
  7. Adoption of Minutes
    1. October 26, 2023 - Executive Council Meeting Minutes (Attachment)
  8. Warden's Report (Attachment)
  9. Committee Reports 
    1. Yarmouth Area Industrial Commission
    2. REMO Executive
    3. Mariners Centre Management Authority 
    4. Mariners Centre Expansion Board (Attachment)
    5. Yarmouth and Acadian Shores Tourism Association
    6. Nakile Board (Attachment)
    7. Western County Regional Libraries
    8. WREN Liason and Oversight Committee
    9. Argyle Recreation Commission
    10. Joint Police Advisory Board
    11. Doctor Recruitment and Retention 
    12. Waste Check 
    13. Substance Use Awareness Project
  10. Staffing Reports
    1. Clerks Report (Attachment)
    2. Department Head Report (Attachment)
    3. Building Permit Report (Attachment)
  11. 7-Day Notice
    1. ARTICLE C50 - Council Procedural Policy (Attachment)
    2. ARTICLE C39 - Community Litter Clean Up Policy (Attachment)
  12. For Decision and Discussion
    1. First Reading - Land Use By-Law Amendments for Rezoning Application at 400 Abbotts Harbour Road (Attachment)
    2. Relief of Taxes - AAN # 08490392 (Attachment)
    3. Western REN PACE Project Sponosorship (Attachment)  (RFD) - CAO
    4. Election 2024 - Voting Procedure (Attachment) - Deputy CAO
    5. Municipal Capital Growth Program - Selection of Capital Project Submission (Attachment) (RFD) - CAO
    6. East Pubnico Confirmation of Funding (Attachment) - CAO
    7. Capital Investment and Master Plan (RFD) (CIP) (Ranking Master Sheet) - CAO
    8. Executive Meetings for November and December (Attachment) - Executive Assistant
  13. Correspondence and For Information
    1. YourHealthNS App (Attachment)
    2. Argyle Housing Needs Assessment Report from Province (Attachment)
    3. Nova Scotia's 2030 Clean Power Plan (Attachment)
  14. Financial Requests
    1. Radio CIFA Financial Request (Attachment)
  15. Agenda Topics for Next Meeting / Notice of Motion by Councillors
  16. Question Period
  17. In Camera
    1. Section 22:2 (C) Personnel Issue
    2. Section 22:2 (G) - Legal advice eligible for solicitor-client privilege
  18. Adjournment