5:45-6:30 - Department Head Report - Director of Finance, Marsha d'Eon

  1. Call Meeting to Order
    1. Regrets
  2. Invitation to Stand and Move
  3. Approval of Agenda/Conflict of Interest Declaration
  4. Adoption of Minutes
    1. October 12, 2023 - Regular Council Meeting Minutes (Attachment)
  5. Department Head Report - Finance (Attachment)
  6. Capital Investment Plan
    1. Tusket Treatment Plant Expansion (Attachment)
  7. For Decision and Discussion
    1. Article P8 - Holidays (Attachment)
    2. Article P12 - Leave for Blood Donation (Attachment)
    3. Joint Police Advisory Committee Community Representative (Attachment)
    4. Short Term Accommodation By-Law Request (Attachment)
  8. Correspondence and For Information
    1. Correspondence to NSFM from Shelburne re: Cellphone Coverage (Attachment)
    2.  NSFM Policing (Attachment)
    3. Municipal Reform Act
      1. Modernizing Municipal Services: A Step Forwards for Nova Scotia - NSFM President (Attachment)
      2. Letter sent to CAOs (Attachment) 
      3. Argyle CAO Response to letter sent (Attachment)
      4. Letter to NSFM from Municipal Affairs and Housing (Attachment)
    4. Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund for YIAC Letter of Support (Attachment)
  9. Financial Requests 
    1. District Community Grant Request - West Side Improvement Society - $500 (Attachment)
  10. Agenda Topics for Next Meeting / Notice of Motion by Councillors
  11. Question Period
  12. In Camera  
  13. Adjournment