1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Invitation to Stand and Move 
  3. Approval of Agenda/Conflict of Interest Declaration
  4. Presentation - Malcolm Seaboyer, Y-CON Presentation (Presentation - 11 Pages) (Grant Funding Report - 21 Pages)
  5. Recognizing Argyle - Council Announcements
  6. Adoption of Minutes
    1. January 31, 2023 - Special Council Meeting Minutes (Attachment - 1 Pages)
    2. January 31, 2023 - Executive Council Meeting Minutes (Attachment - 4 Pages)
  7. Warden's Report (Attachment - 1 page)
  8. Committee Reports
    1. Yarmouth Area Industrial Commission (Attachment - 2 Pages)
    2. REMO Executive Meeting
    3. Mariners Centre Management Authority (Attachment - 5 Pages)
    4. Mariners Centre Expansion Steering Committee (Attachment - 3 Pages)
    5. Yarmouth and Acadian Shores Tourism Association (Attachment - 4 Pages)
    6. Yarmouth County Solid Waste Park (Attachment - 3 Pages)
    7. Yarmouth International Airport Corporation
    8. Nakile Board 
    9. Western County Regional Libraries
    10. WREN Liaison and Oversight Committee (Attachment - 3 Pages)
    11. Argyle Recreation Commission (Attachment - 3 Pages)
    12. Police Advisory Board
    13. Doctor Recruitment (Attachment - 2 Pages)
    14. Waste Check
    15. Sewer Committees - Tusket, Wedgeport, West Pubnico (Seasonal)
  9. Reports
    1. Clerks Report (Attachment - 4 pages)
    2. Department Head Report (Attachment - 5 Pages)
  10. 7-Day Notice 
    1. Article P20 - Performance Evaluation Policy (Attachment - 16 Pages)
  11. For Decision and Discussion
    1. Second Reading - By-Law 11 - Animals (Attachment - 2 Pages)
    2. Second Reading - By-Law 27A - Solid Waste (Attachment - 25 Pages)
    3. Second Reading - By-Law 30 - Tusket Wastewater (Attachment - 18 Pages)
    4. Letter of Support - Extended Producer Responsibility (Attachment - 1 Page)
    5. Four-Day Work Week Pilot Project - RFD (Attachment - 2 Pages)
    6. Argyle Volunteer Banquet - RFD (Attachment - 2 Pages)
  12. Correspondence and For Information
    1. NSFM Monday Memos 
      1. NSFM Feb 6, 2023 
      2. NSFM Jan 30, 2023
      3. NSFM Jan 23, 2023
    2. Municipal Profile and Financial Indicator Results (Attachment - 38 Pages)
    3. Tri County Veterinary Services (Attachment - 1 Pages)
  13. Financial Requests 
  14. Agenda Topics for Next Meeting / Notice of Motion by Councillors
  15. Question Period
  16. In Camera 
  17. Adjournment