6:00-6:30 - Department Head Report - Judy Frotten, Archives

  1. Call Meeting to Order
    1. Regrets
  2. Invitation to Stand and Move
  3. Approval of Agenda/Conflict of Interest Declaration
  4. Adoption of Minutes
    1. September 14, 2023 - Regular Council Meeting Minutes (Attachment)
  5. Department Head Report (Attachment)
  6. For Decision and Discussion
    1. Article P5A - Employee Definition (Attachment)
    2. Article P3 - Sick Leave (Attachment)
    3. Article C11 - Procurement Policy (Attachment)
    4. Joint Police Advisory Commission Terms of Reference (Attachment)
    5. REMO Communication - Councillor Saulnier
    6. Cellphone Service in Argyle - Councillor Saulnier (Attachment)
  7. Correspondence and For Information
    1. Response from Minister Masland re: Mun of  Shelburne concerns for Highway 203 (Attachment)
    2. Letter to Minister Guilbeault from Mun. of Barrington re: Exemption for Volunteer Emergency Providers from New Fuel Charges (Attachment)
    3. Response from MODY re: Track and Field Project (Attachment)
  8. Financial Requests 
  9. Agenda Topics for Next Meeting / Notice of Motion by Councillors
  10. Question Period
  11. In Camera - Section 22:2 (e) 
    1. Mariners Centre Expansion
    2. Tri County Planning Initiative
  12. Adjournment