Latest Council Agenda

June 28, 2022 - Committee of the Whole Meeting - 6:30 p.m.

  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda/Conflict of Interest Declaration
  3. Honouring Bob Stevens
  4. Presentation - Daycamp Services - Sara Nickerson
  5. Adoption of Minutes
    1. June 14, 2022 Regular Council Meeting Minutes (Attachment - 8 pages)
  6. Business Arising from the Minutes  
    1. Firefighter Recruitment - Deferred
  7. For Decision and Discussion
    1. Article C48 - Proclamation Policy (Attachment - 1 page) (Executive Assistant)
    2. Article P39 - Four Day Work Week Policy (Attachment - 2 pages) (Dep. CAO)
    3. Community Litter Clean up (Attachment - 1 page) (CAO)
    4. Request for Tax Reduction (RFD) (Attachment - 4 pages) (Dangerous or Unsightly Policy) (CAO)
    5. Summer Meetings (Executive Assistant)
    6. New Position for Protection Services Department - Verbal report from CAO
  8. Correspondence and For Information
    1. Letter from Minister John Lohr (Attachment - 1 page) (CAO)
    2. Western County Regional Library Minutes ( Attachment)
    3. Courthouse Window Tender (Memo - 1 page) (Tender Package - 4 pages) (Dep. CAO)
    4. Congres Mondial Acadien 2024 - Verbal update from Deputy CAO
    5. Service Exchange Negotiation - Draft 1 Copy (CAO)
  9. Financial Requests
    1. District Community Grant Request - Ladies Auxiliary of the East Pubnico Fire Department - $500 - Councillor Bourque (Attachment)
    2. District Community Grant Reqeust - Pubnico-Light Monument Society - $500 - Councillor Bourque (Attachment)
    3. District Community Grant Request - East Side Community Centre - $500 - Councillor Bourque (Attachment)
    4. District Community Grant Request - Argyle Farmers Market - $500 - Warden Muise
    5. District Community Grant Request - Par en Bas Seniors Club des Aînés - $500 - Councillor Surette (Attachment)
    6. District Community Grant Request - Pubnico and Area Garden Club - $500 - Councillor Diggdon (Attachment)
    7. District Community Grant Request - La société historique acadienne de Pubnico-Ouest - $500 - Councillor Diggdon (Attachment)
    8. District Community Grant Request - Amies du Musée - $500 - Councillor Diggdon (Attachment)
  10. Agenda Topics for Next Meeting / Notice of Motion by Councillors
  11. Question Period
  12. In Camera - none.
  13. Adjournment