Latest Council Agenda

January 29, 2019 - Committee of the Whole Meeting

  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda / Conflict of Interest Declaration
  3. Presention
    1. WREN - Rural Internet Update (Attachment - 10 Pages)
  4. Adoption of Minutes
    1. Regular Council Meeting – January 8, 2019 - (Attachment - 7 Pages)
    2. Argyle Recreation Commission Meeting - January 18,2018 (Attachment - 3 Pages)
    3. Argyle Recreation Commission Meeting –  February 15, 2018 (Attachment - 2 Pages)
    4. Argyle Recreation Commission Meeting – April 19, 2018 (Attachment - 3 Pages)
    5. Argyle Recreation Commission Meeting – May 17, 2018 (Attachment - 2 Pages)
    6. Argyle Recreation Commission Meeting – September 20, 2018 (Attachment - 3 Pages)
  5. Business Arising from the Minutes
    1. Councilors stipends, Remuneration & Benefits Policy (notice Dec. 11, 2018)
      1. Policy (Attachment - 3 Pages)
      2. Stipends Summary (Attachment - 2 Pages)
    2. Support for CMA 2024 – Application submitted
    3. Thermodynamics contract executed – for COMFIT projects
    4. Digby Fire Dispatch – online for Argyle (Attachment - 6 Pages)
    5. Bylaw amendment – well lending
  6. Financial statements – December 31, 2018 (Attachment - 14 Pages)
  7. Strategic Priority Topics
  8. For Decision
    1. EMO funding request – Department of Municipal Affairs (Attachment - 6 Pages)
    2. Notice – Physical Activity Incentive (Attachment - 2 Pages)
    3. ICIP – request to amend wording of motion (Attachment - 2 Pages)
    4. Community Litter pick up initiative (Attachment - 3 Pages)
  9. Correspondence and for Information
    1. Department of Environment – Solid waste regulations amendment (Attachment - 2 Pages)
    2. Enabling Accessibility fund – Administrative Building – notice of rejection (Attachment - 2 Pages)
    3. Waste Check Authority – Meeting notes – January 14, 2019 (Attachment - 2 Pages)
    4. Nova Scotia Accessibility Act (Attachment - 2 Pages)
    5. WREN – Energy project briefing (Attachment - 3 Pages)
    6. Waste Check Financial Statements (Attachment - 4 Pages)
  10. Financial Requests
    1. District Community Grant – Kemptville Bicentennial Society (Attachment - 1 Page)
    2. District Community Grant - St. Joseph's Parish (Attachment - 1 Page)
  11. Agenda Topics for Next Meeting/Notice of Motion
  12. Question Period
  13. In Camera – legal advice – Administrative building tender
  14. Adjournment