Meet our Argyle Recreation Commission (ARC) Members

The Argyle Recreation Commission (ARC) consists of representatives of the Municipal districts, who advise the recreation staff on matters that affect the Recreation Department.

The mandate of the Argyle Recreation Commission (ARC) is to enhance the quality of life for citizens through the development of recreation opportunities, education, community development, leadership development, planning, facility development, and recreation services, utilizing available resources

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Matt O'Connell

Representing: District 1 (Councilor Danny Muise)
Tusket, Hubbard's Point, Abram's River, Gavelton, Pleasant Lake, East Kemptville

Jill-Marie Jacquard

Representing: District 2 (Councilor Ted Saulnier)
Plymouth, Upper Wedgeport, Wedgeport, Little River Harbor, Comeau's Hill

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Phil Cottreau

District 3 (Councilor Gordon Boudreau)
Lower Wedgeport, Wedgeport

Additional Representation: 
School Board Representative (Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial)

Yvette LeBlanc

Representing: District 4 (Councilor Guy Surette)
Amirault’s Hill, Sluice Point, Surette’s Island and Morris Island.

Additional Representation: Inclusion Representative

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No Representative for District 5

Representing: District 5 (Councilor Nicole Albright)
Ste.-Anne du Ruisseau, Eel Brook, Belleville, Bellneck, Springhaven and Quinan


Darryl LeBlanc

District 6 (Councilor Richard Donaldson)
Glenwood, Robert's Island, the Argyles

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Vicky Belliveau

Representing: District 7 (Councilor Kathy Bourque)
Pubnico Head, East Pubnico

Edith d'Entremont

Representing: District 8 (Councilor Glenn Diggdon)
West Pubnico, a portion of Middle West Pubnico

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Mariette d'Entremont

District 9 (Councilor Calvin d'Entremont)
West Pubnico, a portion of Middle West Pubnico

Nicole Albright

School Board Representative: 
Tri-County Regional Center for Education

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Celine Cottreau

Youth Representative