The Municipality of Argyle (Argyle), in a special council meeting, committed initial funding of $75,000 towards the restoration of aquatic services at the former YMCA location, currently owned by the Town of Yarmouth. The Town’s decision to purchase this location preserved the opportunity to restore the desired service for our region.

The $75,000 is an initial commitment, focused on the costs of re-opening the former YMCA while considering additional costs of startup and COVID-19 safety protocols. “The cost of operation of the current location is yet to be determined, with many possible scenarios impacting that cost, says Warden Muise. “Our objective here is to get the work started and let our residents and our funding partners know that we are financially onboard.”


Argyle continues to firmly support the Mariners Center expansion project as the future home of a modernized aquatic facility, along with other needed recreational and fitness opportunities, says Warden Muise, but in the meantime, Council agreed that we have a duty to maintain an important service locally while we pursue a Mariners Center expansion. As well, we are confident that residents in the entire county will rally in its support of this continued service, which is critical to an affordable operation”.

Argyle recognizes the value of a local aquatic center, both for competitive training as well as therapeutic and restorative physical activity for a large group of our residents. “For many, the pool represents one of the few physical activity options, and its absence was clearly felt by many. In addition, a pool is attractive to new residents seeking to live here seasonally or full-time.

“It is expected that the funding shall be part of our 2021-22 financial year, and we will seek COVID-related funding already received to support this investment,” says CAO Alain Muise, when asked where the funding will likely be sourced.

The discussion also touched on the importance of our volunteers and organizers of aquatic and other fitness events, as an equally important investment when we consider an expansion at the Mariners Center. To invest in a bridge of service is to support a dedicated group of individuals responsible for swimming lessons, competitive swimming and so much more.
Argyle has been a longstanding financial supporter of the former YMCA, with recent funding support at 25% of the total municipal investment, which is reflective of the proportion of memberships held by our residents.

Media Contact:
Alain D. Muise, CPA, CA, CAO
(902) 648-3293
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