1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda/Conflict of Interest Declaration
  3. Presentation
    1. Michelle Amirault-CBDC services (Attachment - 12 pages)
  4. Adoption of Minutes
    1. Regular Council Meeting Minutes – February 9, 2021 (Attachment - 6 pages)
  5. Business arising from the minutes
    1. Active Transportation Plan
    2. GSAR (Attachment - 1 page) (Attachment - 4 pages)
  6. For Decision and discussion
    1. Jared Dalziel-WSP re-zoning application (Attachment - 16 pages)
    2. Low income exemptions (Attachment - 1 page)
    3. SPCA services (Attachment - 2 pages) 
    4. Lyme Disease awareness month (Attachment - 2 pages) 
    5. Transparency (Attachment - 2 pages)
  7. Financial Statement (Attachment - 3 pages)
  8. Correspondence and for Information
    1. Response from Minister Bernadette Jordan, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans
      (Attachment - 3 pages) (Attachment - 2 pages)
    2. YMCA letters (Attachment - 8 pages) (Attachment - 2 pages) 
    3. Letter from Colton LeBlanc to Department Health and Wellness (Attachment - 2 pages)
    4. Fire ponds update (Attachment - 2 pages)
  9. Financial Requests
    1. Community Grant - École Pubnico-Ouest (Attachment - 1 page)
  10. Agenda Topics for Next Meeting / Notice of Motion by Councillors
  11. Question Period
  12. In Camera
  13. Adjournment