1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda/Conflict of Interest Declaration
  3. Presentation – Linda Gallagher-Splash Park
  4. Adoption of Minutes
    1. Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes – January 28, 2020 (Attachment - 5 pages)
  5. Business Arising from the Minutes
  6. Councillor's Report
  7. Warden's Report (Attachment - 1 page)
  8. Staff Report (Attachment - 16 pages)
  9. Strategic Priority Topics 
    1. Council Priorities (Attachment - 5 pages)
  10. For Decision
    1. Low Income Exemption (Attachment - 1 page) (Attachment - 3 pages)
    2. Article P36 Storm & Hazardous Conditions Policy (Attachment - 6 pages)
    3. Article C11 Procurement Policy (Attachment - 16 pages)
    4. Community Litter Clean-up 2020-2021 (Attachment - 3 pages)
    5. West Pubnico Sewer Connection request  (Attachment- 3 pages)
    6. Letter to DTIR-Active Transportation plan (Attachment - 2 pages)
    7. YMCA Request - Building assessment request (Attachment - 2 pages) (Attachment - 12 pages)
  11. Notice Period
    1. Article C4 - Grants to Organizations Policy (Attachment - 7 pages)
    2. Article C37 - Community Hall Grants Policy (Attachment - 5 pages)
  12. Correspondence and for Information
    1. Guide for land use planning for economic development (Attachment - 8 pages)
      (Attachment - 2 pages)
    2. Financial condition indicators (Attachment - 2 pages)
    3. Active Transportation budget (Attachment - 1 page)
    4. YMCA letter (Atachment - 1 page)
    5. Internet for NS initiative (Attachment - 3 pages)
    6. Argyle Fire Fighters' Association Minutes Dec 2019 (Attachment - 2 pages)
    7. Community Navigator Activites (Attachment - 2 pages)
  13.  Financial Requests
    1. District Community Grant - Le Village Historique Acadien (Attachment - 1 page)
    2. District Community Grant - Friends of the Island (Attachment - 1 page)
    3. District Community Grant - Indian Sluice Seniors Club (Attachment - 1 page)
    4. Hubbard's Point Community Centre (Attachment - 1 page)
  14. Agenda Topics for Next Meeting / Notice of Motion by Councillors
  15. Question Period
  16. In Camera - Negotiations
  17. Adjournment