Latest Council Agenda

May 15, 2019 - Regular Council Meeting - 6:30 PM

  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda/Conflict of Interest Declaration
  3. Presentation  (none)
  4. Adoption of Minutes
    1. Committee of the Whole & Grants to Organizations Meeting Minutes - April 30, 2019 (Attachment - 6 pages)
    2. Special Council Meeting, Budget Part 1 and 2 - May 7 and 9, 2019 (Attachment - 6 pages)
    3. Special Council Meeting, Wild Salt Architecture - May 9, 2019 (Attachment - 2 pages)
  5. Business Arising from the Minutes (none)
  6. Councillors' Reports
  7. Warden's Report (Attachment - 1 page)
  8. Staff Report (Attachment - 14 pages)
  9. Strategic Priority Topics
  10. Capital and Operations Budget 2019-2020 (Attachment - 29 pages) (Presentation - 7 pages)
  11. For Decision 
    1. Low Income / Property Tax Exemption 2019 (Attachment - 1 page)
    2. Approval of 2019 Provincial mileage rate of .4585 cents per km (Attachment - 1 page)
    3. Approval of Operating Budget
    4. Operating Reserve Budget Approval (Attachment - 1 page)
    5. Approval of Residential and Commercial Rates
  12. Correspondence and for Information
    1. Nova Scotia Event Strategy (Attachment - 1 page)
    2. Building Co-op Housing Update - May 2019 (Attachment - 1 page)
    3. Expanded Equipment Options for Emergency Services Provider Fund (Attachment - 3 pages)
  13. Financial Requests
  14. Agenda Topics for Next Meeting / Notice of Motion by Councillors
  15. Question Period
  16. In Camera - None
  17. Adjournment