Municipal Boundary Review

Boundary Review Phase Two - What Communities should your councillor represent?

The Municipality led an initial survey asking our residents to provide information on their preferences for the number of councillors. The result was that residents preferred a council consisting of either nine or seven councillors.
Staff were then asked to prepare boundaries assuming a council consisting of both nine and seven councillors, which has been explained in more detail in the videos below.

Proposed Boundary Changes: Unmodified

Proposed Boundary Changes: New Districts w/ Nine Councillors

 Proposed Boundary Changes: New Districts w/ Seven Councillors

"What Communities Should Your Councillor Represent" Survey

We are looking for your input on this important question. Please take the time to fill out our short five question survey:

Survey Boundary Review Phase2

Proposed Boundary Changes Maps

 Current Boundaries
 Proposed District Boundaries
(Nine Councillors)
  Proposed District Boundaries
(Seven Councillors)
Click to Enlarge
MODA PollingDistrictReview2022 9Districts 11x17 V1
Click to Enlarge
MODA PollingDistrictReview2022 9Districts 11x17 V2
Click to Enlarge
MODA PollingDistrictReview2022 7Districts 11x17 V3

Proposed District Changes - Interactive Maps

To help understand how these changes may affect you, we have created the following interactive maps. Enter in your civic address and use the slider to see if there are any proposed changes to your district boundaries.

Interactive Map Legend:

legend1    legend2

Boundary Review Presentation - How many councillors should represent the residents of Argyle?


Download Presentation Slides - PDF

Boundary Review Survey

 We need your input! To fill out our boundary review survey, click here. (The "How many councillors should represent you" survey has been closed.)

Survey   Boundary Review(2)

Why Are We Doing This?

Click to Enlarge Click to Enlarge
1 2
 Click to Enlarge3  Click to Enlarge4


Municipal Open House Dates and Times

We Want to Hear from You!!

Join us at one of our Boundary Review Open Houses being hosted at the Wedgeport Fire Hall, Tusket Municipal Administration Building and West Pubnico Legion.

Every 10 years, each municipality if asked to lead a study of polling districts within our region. This study includes two questions, "How many municipal councilors are appropriate to represent our community?" and "Where should district boundaries be drawn?".

Your input is very important to this process and will help guide council as they make their recommendations.

If you would like to give your input, please attend one of the following open houses:

Wedgeport Fire Hall
Tuesday, June 07
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

HYBRID (Online + In Person) Argyle Municipal Administration Office
Wednesday, June 08
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
** Please be aware, registration is required to attend hybrid meeting.  Register by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

West Pubnico Legion
Wednesday, June 08
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Open House Locations