Latest Council Agenda


  1. Call Meeting to Order
    1. Regrets
  2. Invitation to Stand and Move 
  3. Approval of Agenda/Conflict of Interest Declaration
  4. Presentation - Dan White, West Nova Chamber
  5. Adoption of Minutes
    1. February 29, 2024 - Executive Council Meeting Minutes (Attachment)
  6. Recognizing Argyle - Council Announcements
  7. Warden's Report (Attachment)
  8. Committee Reports 
    1. Yarmouth Area Industrial Commission
    2. REMO Executive
    3. Mariners Centre Management Authority 
    4. Mariners Centre Expansion Board 
    5. Yarmouth and Acadian Shores Tourism Association
    6. Nakile Board 
    7. Western County Regional Libraries
    8. WREN Liason and Oversight Committee
    9. Argyle Recreation Commission
    10. Joint Police Advisory Board
    11. Doctor Recruitment and Retention 
    12. Waste Check 
    13. Substance Use Awareness Project
  9. 7-day Notice
    1. Article C6 - Public Presentation Amendments (Attachment)
    2. Article C53 - Municipal Grants and Sponsorship (Attachment) (Memo)
    3. Article P32 - Employee Recognition (Attachment)
  10. For Decision and Discussion
    1. Article C22 - Fees and Penalties Amendments (Attachment)
    2. Veterans Banner 2024
    3. Use of Parking Lot on Myrtle Lane (Attachment)
  11. Correspondence and For Information
    1.  Coastal Protection Act (Attachment)
  12. Financial Requests - District Community Grants
    1. Kemptville Fire Department - District 1 - $500
    2. Wedgeport Tuna Museum - District 3 - $500
    3. Wedgeport Nature Trail Committee - District 3 - $500
    4. Wedgeport and District Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary - District 3 - $500
    5. East Side Community Centre - District 7 - $500
    6. Pubnico Area Lions Club - District 7 - $500
    7. Forest Grove Cemetery - District 7 - $500
    8. Nouveaux Horizons de la Baronnie - District 8 - $500
    9. Papillons et Pissenlits - District 8 - $500
    10. Ladies Auxiliary of West Pubnico Fire Department - District 9 - $500
    11. Le Village Historique Acadien de la Nouvelle Ecosse - District 9 - $500
  13. Agenda Topics for Next Meeting / Notice of Motion by Councillors
  14. Question Period
  15. In Camera 
    1. Section 22:2 (e)
    2. Section 22:2 (c)
  16. Adjournment

For anyone requiring large print material or other accessible form of communication, please contact Chantalle Newell at (902) 648-3293 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.