1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda/Conflict of Interest Declaration
  3. Presentation
    1. WSP-Land Use By-Law & Municipal Planning Strategy (Attachment - 28 Pages)
  4. Adoption of Minutes
    1. Special Council Meeting minutes - February 24, 2020 (Attachment - 3 pages)
    2. Committee of the Whole Meeting minutes – February 25, 2020 (Attachment - 5 pages)
  5. Business Arising from the Minutes
    1. Bi-annual tax bill information (Attachment - 1 Page)
  6. Councillor’s Report
  7. Warden’s Report (Attachment - 1 Page)
  8. Staff Report (Attachment - 15 pages)
  9. Strategic Priority Topics
    1. Council Priorities (Attachment - 5 pages)
  10. For Decision
    1. Information Sharing Agreement – Elections NS (Attachemnt -  1 page) (Attachment - 17 pages)
    2. Regional agreements & structural reform conversation
    3. Letter of Support for Municipality of Barrington -  Bid for 2021 Axe throwing (Attachment - 4 pages)
    4. Admin Building Tender (Attachment - 1 Page)
  11. Correspondence and for Information
    1. Library Funding Update (Attachment - 22 pages) (Attachment - 29 Pages) 
      (Attachment - 2 pages)
    2. DMAH’s 2020-21 Business Plan (Attachment - 11 pages)
    3. Cooke Aquaculture (Attachment - 12 pages) (Attachment - 10 pages)
    4. Epilepsy Association Purple Ribbon Campaign (Warden Muise to speak on this item)
      (Attachment - 1 page)
    5. ARC Meeting Minutes (Attachment - 3 pages)
    6. Western REN CEO Report (Attachment - 5 pages)
    7. YCTDA Final Report (Attachment - 2 pages)
  12. Financial Requests
    1. Community Grant - Eel Brooke & District Frie Dept (Attachment 1- page
  13. Agenda Topics for Next Meeting / Notice of Motion by Councillors
  14. Question Period
  15. In Camera
    1. HR – discussion on salary scales (to approve in public council)
    2. Negotiation – contract – administrative building
  16. Adjournment